The ten best photo's of the Green Paramaribo Photo walk

04 December 2019


The 10 best photos were selected from a total of 38 photos by the jury consisting of three people: Ed Hoogenboom, Vanessa van Hetten and Hedweg "PLU" de la Fuente.Out of these 10 photos, another 3 special photos got selected, the photo with the title: "Tropical Sidewalk" by photographer Dion Howard, Was nominated as the winner of the Groen Paramaribo Photo walk.

The jury was happy to fulfill its task and to view and discuss each photo with great care.

The 10 best photos have been selected based on the theme of this photo walk. The jury had the following tips for the participants:


Ed Hoogenboom:

'Always photograph in the highest possible resolution (or 1 step below). You can always shrink, but when you have a nice picture, you will always regret when you didn't.'


Hedwig de la Fuente :

'Immerse yourself in the technical aspects of photography but even more in the story you want to tell and the power of composition in it.

Know the rules, know the standards but do your own thing with your feelings in a very conscious way.

I teach photography, but still learn from every student! - PLU '


Vanessa van Hetten :

‘Every image from the environment that touches you deeply at first glance is worth capturing. Keep your camera ready!’


  1. Tropical Sidewalk - Dion Howard                                                          



2. Cherish me - Jimmy Jong A Pin



  3. Tot rust komen in de natuur - Cheryll Tjon A Ten


De overige foto's 


TIME stands still while enjoying NATURE - Tidjen Kisoensingh

My trunk to preserve - Ruth Towikromo

Palmbondyari baka Wakapasi - Rudi Moeridjan

Leven in het Groen - Roshini Kanhai

Multi Green Downtown - Peggy Leckie

Our coexistence with nature in an green environment - Howard De Abreu

Going Green - Jimmy Jong A Pin